Combine Approach of Proximal Fibula Osteotomy(PFO) Followed by Intra-Articular DextroseProlotherapy in Severe Medial Knee Osteoarthritis
Alif Noeriyanto Rahman,, Herry Herman, Eri Kriswanto, Ahmad Faried,Mochammad Kamal Nasser
Case Report: dr. M. Nasir Zubaidi, SP.OT(K)
Hariadi Hatta a,b,*, Eko Setiawan c,d, Zhana Daisya Triani e, Dhandia Rifardi d
Penyelenggaraan praktik kedokteran harus dilakukan sesuai dengan standar pelayanan kedokteran yang disusun dalam bentuk Pedoman Nasional Pelayanan Kedokteran dan standar prosedur operasional
Lymphoma is a very diverse group of lymphoid malignancies. The prevalence of lymphoma varies from 48 cases per 100,000 population at 3 years of diagnosis, to 72 cases per 100,000 at 5 years of diagnosis.
What’s more, nearly half of people with chronic pain have the high-impact type, meaning their condition is so draining, undermining, or debilitating that it limits at least one major life activity.
Nothing can derail your life faster than pain. Whether you have an acute injury, such as a muscle strain, or live with a chronic joint condition, such as osteoarthritis, pain can interfere with every aspect of your daily life.